Please check out Gallery 263's Winter Auction! My work is included among many wonderful local artists. More information can be found below as well as on their website. Support this amazing Cambridge gallery and get some holiday shopping done too!
Silent Bidding (In Person and Online): Wednesday, December 8–Thursday, December 16
In-Person Gallery Hours: Monday–Friday, 4–7 PM; Saturday & Sunday, 1–4 PM
Auction Event: Thursday, December 16, 2021, 5–8 PM
263 Pearl Street, Cambridge, MA, 02139
From December 8 to December 16, come to the gallery in person or visit this page to view the auction exhibition and silent bid on work! On Thursday, December 16, join Gallery 263 for a closing event to celebrate our silent auction and place your final bids*, as well as to enjoy craft cocktails, a fun atmosphere, and a warm community of art lovers.
*Attending the event on December 16 is not required to place final bids. Due to COVID-19, bidding will take place both online and in person.
"Sunflower Anniversary I," watercolor marker, embroidery and needle felting on fabric, 5x5 inches, 2021, $250